June 02, 2020
René Gattefossé first coined the term ‘aromatherapy’ in the 1920s while studying the powers and properties of essential oils. Gattefossé’s work was put to the test when he accidentally burnt his hand one day in his laboratory. Plunging it into a container of pure lavender oil to cool the burn, he discovered that the burn quickly lost its redness and swiftly began to heal.
Although essential oils are applied externally, they are able to penetrate the body’s organs and systems via the nose and the skin. An essential oil that is inhaled is absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than one absorbed through the skin. The inhaled oil enters the nose, moves to the lung linings and is absorbed into the bloodstream.
There are many ways to inhale or absorb to experience the benefits of Essential Oils. Here’s our top ten:
Care notes: Be sure to use essential oils with care. Very few oils can be used in their undiluted form. Always dilute them, unless instructed otherwise. Before using an essential oil, check that it is safe for you to use. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, are receiving medical treatment, taking homeopathic remedies, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have sensitive skin or a skin condition, do not use the oils until you have checked with your medical adviser and a fully trained aromatherapist. Always carry out a patch test first to check that your skin does not react adversely to the oil. Place a diluted drop on the skin and leave it for 24 hours. If there is any adverse reaction such as reddening, scaling or other disturbance of the skin texture, do not use.
Here at Ao Goodness, we only stock organic and pure essential oils and blends. Shop the beautiful range of Essential Oils here.